
Mom & Me
5 (4)

To me, my mom is special.

To me, being a mom is special. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of my mom is the unconditional love, sacrifice and what not!

I wanted my first post to be about something that is close to my heart. And to me “MOM” is special. So, I thought, what could be more perfect than starting off with such a beautiful feeling – motherhood.

This little story of mine might seem absurd but here it is, for the first time, revealing it.

Just like every other child when I was 2 to 3 years old, I used to love playing with baby doll. I used to bathe them, talk to them, act like a mother and take care of them as my own.

And of course, anyone would expect, that I would outgrow this stage of playing with dolls. But as I grew, it was opposite, my love towards babies gradually grew!! At the age of 4, when I first held my sister, I became a mom for the first time. I used to take care of her as though I am her mother.

At the age of 8 to 10, when everybody was playing with their age friends I would play with small kids and be with them.

During my adolescence, when my age girls would say they wanted to adopt dogs, cats and live as a spinster, I would say I want to get married and have babies.

Right now, when so many people around me says I want to earn and make a living and travel solo, I still say I want to make a family for myself.

A fun fact, I not only love human babies, but also baby dolls!! Yes, even now!! I still have my pinky doll (it’s the name I kept for her, when she came to me) which my uncle gifted to me for my birthday about 10 years ago.

I have always been the best version of myself when I am around kids. They are those angels, who make us smile, laugh and definitely also cry.

There have been people telling me that I talk too much for my age.

Though it might sound like a small girl talking about marriage and babies, I haven’t changed this one opinion of mine for anyone.

And I wouldn’t change this opinion for the world.

For all those, who have teased me for being a mom’s girl, for all those who have asked me to stay as a child when I say I want to make my own family, today I want to say, I am not going to change who I am. To me, motherhood is the most beautiful emotion in this world, and I yearn to give birth to babies and bring them up as the best human beings in this world giving them all the love I can.

To me, my mom is special. To me, being a mom is special.

And that is what it means to me when I say I want to become a mom.

To all the mother’s out there, I thank you for being so strong and lovely! YOU are precious.

Much more love to my mom for teaching me what motherhood is, by being the best mom! Love you Amma.

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34 Comments on “Mom & Me

  1. Aakrithi, my dear, I will say this again, when I read your blog it felt like you were sitting in front of me and talking to me. I could even see your expressions in your writings. Keep at it… am sure its going to get interesting as you write more and more. Waiting to read more

  2. In a time when everyone wants isolated independence, it’s admirable to want a pride of your own Aakrithi (read lioness). Can’t wait to read more of your thoughts on other various topics.

  3. Such a beautiful piece of writing kanna ❤. Kudos keep writing more. Can’t wait to read more 🥰!!!! All the best

  4. Great work Akriti. I love your mom too. She is one to be proud of.

    Keep reading books which will further improve your style of writing.


  5. Akkuuuuuuuuuuiii🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️so proud of you…so beautifully you have put your thoughts here , which is external overrated these days…🫂🤗

  6. Beautifully written Aaku. As someone very new and very early into motherhood, I am learning so many thing and you can’t compare her efforts and love with any other relationship. What a great start to a great journey. Keep at it. Waiting for more…

  7. Very well written akriti. Simple, straight from heart and clear in thoughts. Keep it up.

  8. Hi Dear, nice narrative and strong point. Keep going.

    I can relate your phrase about your interest of playing with small kids rather than your age group girls with the moments that you and Nila were together. I have seen your happiness and the love that you shown towards her during that time. Awaiting for your next post

  9. It’s really written well!! And I also really appreciate the way you started your blog by writing about such an emotion (mother). All the Best and keep writing more😊

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