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A sport that is more than just that. It is an Emotion! For me, I was never a big fan of watching matches until a few years back.

I started seeing cricket scores, especially CSK’s just to converse with my class guys during the season. Oru gethu thane!! To know cricket scores!! And I would watch and learn the match whenever I feel like. Slowly I genuinely started learning the nuances of cricket. And I started loving to see the matches.
This year, I became super crazy, and watched all the CSK matches even if it meant sleeping much later than my usual! And Oh Lord!! I truly regret missing it all these years! And not to miss the G.O.A.T of cricket MSD!

MSD has always been an emotion! I loved Dhoni definitely because of his calmness as but never really knew what he had done. This year I saw how great of a leader he was. The way he shows his players where to stand in the field in between the games, the way he plays so hard even with his knee injury, the way he talks in various interviews, the way he speaks with his opponent team!! OH MY GOD! I FELL IN LOVE!! The more I know what he has done for the team, how he handles his leadership, the way he treats his team players, and I’m sure we can all go on, I fall in love all over again!! And today suddenly I was so damn surprised to see Ahmedabad being filled with CSK shirts from various places. I saw a post that a person was coming all the way from Sweden, Texas all the way here to watch the match. Which reminded how Cricket is an EMOTION! No matter what our differences are, when we see a match, we all come together.

Though I wasn’t shocked, I just wanted to share it with everybody for it to become a thought. Keeping aside our differences, be it caste, creed or religion, whenever there was a World cup we were always together as INDIA! And in the first place HUMANS!! We fight in the name of caste and creed for small things, but when it comes to sports, or even our National Anthem, we all come together! I really do hope, we can all give it a thought, and give importance to our happy things together rather than giving importance to the differences that was formed a long time back. We see our differences (Definitely not all) for other aspects, but something like Cricket, when it can bring us together, I really do hope that think alike that in other aspects as well! UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!


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8 Comments on “CRICKET

  1. Ahhh amazinggg!! Hoping the match actually happens. This blog was just too good and relatable <3 so proud 🥺✨😘

  2. That was deep !!

    Glad that you ain’t missed the era of MSD🔥✨

    Praying for the match to happen..🙃

  3. Lovely perspective and very positive outlook to life..😀 It augers were for you as well. This blog also shows us that learning is there from anywhere.

    All the very best! And you if you wanna know more about MSD, you know who you can talk too.. 😋

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